Tuesday, June 25, 2013

A Fun Little Flower Party

Saturday was Amelia's 7th birthday. After deliberating for months over the party theme, she finally settled on "flowers."  I was happy, because I knew I would have fun with this one, and because I was glad I could talk her out of a pajama party in the middle of the day at the end of June-- she had envisioned everyone watching a movie in a dark room all afternoon, and after so many cold, dark days here, that made my heart hurt.  I promised her an actual sleepover later in the year with all of those things, if we could do something fun in broad daylight for her party!  Once she saw the beauty in a flower-themed June afternoon, she was all-in and invited some of her classmates to come celebrate.

I always enjoy throwing parties, and little girls are a particularly fun demographic to make a party for.  I love setting the scene, as a special place for a special event.  As I was walking around the cheap-o store in town, looking for party supplies, I saw white cupcake and cake liners and got the idea to make a garland with them.

I dipped them in bowls of food coloring and water color paints to dye the edges, and then put them together with tape to make these big blossoms.  I strung them up on a long piece of ribbon I already had, and I was really pleased with how they came out! Total cost: £2.

Just as decorations are the first thing I think of, food is Amelia's first concern. Jeff baked her a chocolate cake, with a chocolate ganache frosting. (I may post the recipe here, it came out so well!)  To bring it into the flower theme, I decorated it with some elderflowers from our back yard.
We also served fruit, along with a probiotic Elderflower Soda (recipe coming!) and Rhubarb Cordial.  The little girl guests were skeptical about these drinks at first mention, but all decided after a couple of sips that they were "Really rather nice!"  So English!
 We set up in the conservatory, as it was raining for a good part of the day. 

 Jeff was in charge of the games, and the girls did an art project and played Pass the Parcel and Musical Chairs

I led a flower-tasting contest, which was my favorite part of all.  Here is how I set it up:
I gathered edible blooms from our yard, and then labeled them.
 The girls had a few minutes to inspect and sniff each kind, until they all felt familiar.

Then each took a turn with being blindfolded, while I popped the flowers in their mouths and they guessed which it was.  Amelia did very well, only missing one! 

The other girls hadn't eaten flowers before (one had tasted a daisy) but they still managed to each get some right.   
The best part came when the game was over, and I told the girls they could eat the leftover flowers!  They were all over the tray, and everything disappeared quickly. 

This made me especially happy, since a couple of them had been very skeptical about tasting flowers in the first place!

We did all of those things one does at a birthday party-- singing Happy Birthday, blowing out candles, eating cake, and opening presents.

The weather cleared enough for the kids to enjoy our garden and Amelia's playhouse, and she even managed to open her presents outside before it started raining.

We sent each guest home with prizes of lavender sachets and a fuschia geranium to plant at home in lieu of goody bags.  All of the girls had a sweet time, especially The Birthday Girl.

What a great kid!
Meanwhile, I have left the decorations up for the week, since this is my "office" and I am loving the cheery feeling in here!  If you enjoyed this party post, I think you'll love seeing Amelia's Butterfly Birthday Party, too!

This post was shared at: Party Wave Wednesday

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  1. What an absolutely perfect day! You have given your daughter an amazing memory!

  2. Oh my gosh, how pretty! I love the low-key birthday party. My birthday parties were always fun, but a bit too high energy. I would have loved something like this, with just a few friends and new activities.

  3. This is a wonderfully planned and executed party, what a lucky little birthday girl! (Well, not so little any more...)

  4. Can you please share the chocolate cake recipe?

  5. Really gorgeous! I have to admit it makes me ashamed for paying for them to visit the local gymnastics club or the kid's spa at Sweet and Sassy because it would be a mess at my house! It's time to get back to sweet and simple hand made basics!

  6. She is such a beautiful little girl! I love reading your blog, for many reasons, but one of them is because my husband grew up in England, having been in the states less than 7 years to date, so I love seeing England through your eyes (since I'm not there). Also, I adore how involved your husband is in your little girl's life. She is very blessed indeed! <3

  7. Happy birthday to your little one! I love the paper flowers--could be a great craft for the older kids.

  8. Absolutely gorgeous and I am so pleased you went for something better than a party bag, the scourge of modern parties. It makes me so nostalgic about the parties when my kids were little, I used to love the home-made decorations and food on a theme and yours were stunning.

  9. You are SO clever Ariana - that garland is delightful - I could never think up such a simple idea. I love it! And your conservatory couldn't look lovelier - I don't think it is possible. Would you please throw my birthday party?? Little girl themes and all? Pretty please . . . . :)

  10. Amelia looks as though she's had such a good day! The garland looks amazing- like giant hollyhock flowers!

    My children have had parties occasionally in other venues, but their favourites were the ones at home or in the village hall, and I was happier because I didn't have to keep avoiding plastic-filled party bags and chicken nuggets and chips...
    I love the idea of a flower as a take home gift. My most successful party bag substitutes were a punnet of strawberries picked by the child from a Strawberry Party at the local PYO farm and a jar of cookie mix with a cutter attached to it after a Cooking Party (I was worried that was going to be 'old hat', but forgot that not everyone else reads lots of blogs or Pinterest!)

    Have a lovely day on Saturday :-)

  11. Wonderful party! That's just how a little girl's birthday party should be! Pretty, fun and simple.
    I don't know how American birthday parties have gotten to be huge entertainment affairs. Some friends, pretty flowers and a pretty cake are all that's needed.
    That was a very clever idea, the cupcake liner flower garland. I might show that one to my little neighbor girl who will be 7 in November!

  12. Love how the elderflower contrasts, like little stars, against the chocolate cake. And the strawberries! Where did you get such beautiful berries? Picture perfect!

  13. Adorable. Thank you for sharing....

  14. A belated Happy Birthday to her! Looks like a wonderful party! x

  15. Beautiful & so celebratory!! You've done it again!


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