Friday, June 28, 2013

Fan Appreciation Giveaway: Jerusalem Cookbook

I have a fun one for you today!  I just want to celebrate the fact that the And Here We Are... facebook page has over 2000 fans.  I so enjoy interacting with all of you there-- you are a group of such interesting, fun, and positive people-- and I love the community we have going on here and over there.

To celebrate, I am giving away one of my favorite cookbooks, Jerusalem (the one pictured is my copy-- the American version is a little different.)  This is the perfect time of year to dive into this book, as many of the ingredients Yotam Ottolenghi highlights are at their best in the summer months.  I have had this book for a few months, and totally love it.  And I'm picky about cookbooks.

It's colorful, inspiring, and the writing is wonderful.  And you know how I feel about all of those flavors!  For a little preview you can even download three different recipes from amazon for free-- they are in the book description. Of course, you can also check out my shakshukah recipe that was inspired by the author, too.
This giveaway is open to all of my page fans, anywhere in the world! 

How to Enter:
  • You need to be a facebook fan! (OK, Google+ people are awesome too-- you can also enter, even if you're not on FB!)
  • You can get some extra entries for being a newsletter subscriber, and for sharing this giveaway on facebook. 
  • Please leave a separate comment for each entry, telling me how you earned each one.
The giveaway ends in two weeks, on July 11th.

Thank you all for being so wonderful.  Good luck!

PAID ENDORSEMENT DISCLOSURE: In order for me to support my blogging activities, I may receive monetary compensation or other types of remuneration for my endorsement, recommendation, testimonial and/or link to any products or services from this blog.


  1. You are right about colorful, those pictures are something! I am a facebook follower of yours, so please count me in for the giveaway... Fingers crossed!

  2. Oh my. I just signed up for your blog this week. I found you posted by another blog I read. I love the human experience. Blogging is, for me, one of the most incredible aspects of technology. I can meander with a traveler, travel the globe, learn the personal aspects of the blogger, and feel connected beyond my little brain space. I read your "About Me" and was taken in. So, here I am. Thanks for putting yourself out there. I follow you on FB and signed up for the newsletter; I save everything!

  3. Okay, I posted on FB. Because my life goal is world peace. Everyone has a story. We just need to stop and listen to the stories. I think your story is one more stop on the path. Thank you.

  4. David Leibovitz and Ina Garden rave about this book too so you are in good company. I was just thinking about my cookbook collection this morning and how I still feel attached to them even though I tend to just google for recipes. I would love to add this to my collection.

  5. Sharing this on facebook!

    Just saw your Punk Domestics page, too... cool stuff there!

  6. I would love this cookbook. I follow your blog through feedly now, since GFC is going bye-bye. I just became a fan on FB.

  7. Wow, what a beautiful book. My Aunt and Uncle went to Jerusalem last February and it was such a tremendous experience for them. This book would make a lovely addition to their kitchen, and what a joy it would be to surprise them with it :)This is one of my favorite blogs/sites, you always have the most inspirational posts.

  8. I also receive your newsletter :)

  9. I had first heard of Yotam Ottolenghi through your blog! I have his book "Plenty", and it is wonderful!

  10. I was impressed by your inspiration for Shakshuka (sp)/ from this book. I'm guessing the rest would be delicious too! Thank you!

  11. I subscribed to your newsletter

  12. I don't have a lot of experience with middle eastern cooking, so this would be great! I just ordered some Za'atar yesterday...

    Facebook fan

  13. I'm with you on FB and I get your newsletter. This book would be such a change from the flavours i usually use! I may have to keep it by the bed just to browse the photos before filling it with sticky flags on things to try!

  14. I like seeing your posts pop up in my feed and inbox partly because you are celebrating being an expat (so many paint themselves as permanently homesick or gone native and i'm glad to not be the only one who feels neither fits my situation), and i'm so happy for you when i see other real food bloggers i've been following for ages repost your stuff on FB or Pinterest.

  15. Thanks Ariana :-) I've just made a version of Ottolenghi's butternut squash and tahini dip for my children's packed lunches which I think might be from this book? Absolutely delicious and bodes well for the other recipes!

  16. And I get your newsletter :-) Currently saving rose petals in the freezer for sparkling wine, red clover wine underway! Oak leaf or lemon balm wine next...

  17. I have been a FB fan for a while now! I would love a chance to win this cookbook!

  18. I am also subscribed to your newsletter...have been for a while now!

  19. I used the "share" button to share your post about the cookbook giveaway on FB....
    Looking forward to being the winner! (I hope!)

  20. I Have been a fan on FB for a while. Thanks for the giveaway!

  21. I'm a facebook fan and love your page! Count me in on the giveaway, please :)

  22. I always look forward to your newsletters, have been subscribed for a while too. Thanks again.

  23. It is on Facebook, perhaps through Cheeslave or someone else, that I have found your blog. Even though I only eat fish and chicken and no dairies, I find your recipes very beautiful and inspiring. Then, reading your adventures in the world and seeing how you chose to live is also inspiring to the "starting to live differently" girl that I am. Thanks for all your ideas and thoughts shared.

  24. Then I just subscribed to your newsletter. Yay !

  25. I'm a facebook fan for awhile, now. Love your blog! :)

  26. I subscribe to your newsletter!

  27. I'm just getting around to this ahhh thankfully not too late! I saw this book in a bookstore a few months ago, it looks awesome! Definitely want to be in the running for this! You know me, I'm def a facebook fan and also a newsletter subscriber :)

  28. I am a Facebook fan! Love your story!

  29. I signed up for the newsletter!

  30. I also shared the giveaway on FB!

  31. Facebook follower - would love to own this book! Thanks for the opportunity!

  32. I so enjoy reading your blog entries. Wonderful stories, recipes.
    Follow you on facebook.

  33. Shared your giveaway over on my blogs facebook page.

  34. I'm a facebook friend

  35. I get your newsletter.

  36. Shared the link for the contest on my facebook page. This cookbook looks awesome!

  37. This sound very interesting, add middle eastern,I would love to have this book :-) I liked your fb page!

  38. This sound very interesting, add middle eastern,I would love to have this book :-) I liked your fb page!

  39. This sound very interesting, add middle eastern,I would love to have this book :-) I liked your fb page!

  40. I get your newsletter and I follow you on FB, though I am not on FB myself

  41. Thanks for thew chance at such a vivid cookbook

    Karen @Journey towards simplicity

  42. I've just recently come across your blog. I'm really enjoying reading back through it. And I've been longing for this book! Just became a facebook fan.

  43. And I subscribed to the newsletter. Looking forward to reading it.

  44. Those pictures are amazing! What a wonderful addition to my cookbook collection that would make!

  45. I am interested in looking over the recipes in this cookbook. I am open to cooking meals from different cultures other than my own. - Vic Haworth

  46. I'm a FB fan!! :)
    Cindy Wheatley Holland

  47. Liked & Shared giveaway on facebook.:)
    Cindy Wheatley Holland

  48. I'm subscribed to your newsletter.
    Love your blog!!:) Cindy Wheatley Holland

  49. Just looking at the pictures makes me happy. Imagine what cooking the food will bring! :)


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