Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Looking Through The Eye of London

In one final celebration of the Mullins girls' birthdays, we went to London on Sunday.  While we were living in Portland, we started the tradition of taking Amelia on the Sky Tram for her birthday each year.  This was the first time in four years that we wouldn't be able to do it, but she was more than consoled with a ride on the Eye of London.  It was really awesome!  I am trying to figure out just how many pictures of Big Ben I can get away with posting.  I'll keep commentary to a minimum.  Just enjoy the view!
 Notice all of the cranes in the above photo!  All of London is under construction in preparation for the Olympics!
(Yes, I did finally get that daunting haircut!)
What a beautiful city!  The Eye of London is no tourism gimmick-- it was such a cool experience for all of us!

Have you tried it?


  1. The haircut's fantastic, you look beautiful! I showed the picture with all the cranes to my son because he loves them, and he was very impressed. Wants to know when the Olympics will be here...

    1. Thank you! Yes, the whole Olympics thing has been really fun! The torch will be going through Bury tomorrow, just a block from our house-- we will definitely be out there, and Amelia will have the torch she made at school. This is a great year to be in England!

  2. Love all these photos! Your haircut is perfect (I guess you found someone good). Looks like you had a gorgeous day out. I, too, was enchanted with my ride on the London Eye. A must-do on a clear day.

    1. Thanks for the haircut compliment. Yes, the weather was predicted to be just rainy, but we had a really nice, dramatic mix of clouds and blue skies that made for some nice pictures. Super fun!

  3. I love the eye- not really afraid of heights but halfway up I was slightly alarmed at how high it actually is!

    1. I know, it's pretty impressive! But being encapsulated like that, I hope, would be helpful for people with heights issues.

  4. wow, wow, WOW!!! Gorgeous photos Ariana! Seeing those quintessential views of London - Westminster in particular - just gives me a thrill every time. And the blue in the sky in the first couple shots - with the clouds scudding by really adds a lot of visual interest and depth. Beautiful. I want to go to there. :D So glad you ladies got to celebrate your birthdays in such style.

    They just built a wheel in Seattle - it opened last week. Called the Seattle Great Wheel and it is on a pier on the waterfront. It looks really neat and I think it adds interest to the skyline - but I was so disappointed when I found out it is not even half as tall as the London Eye!! It is only 175 feet tall as opposed to the London Eye's 400 feet.

    1. It was really fun to see London like that! We would totally go on the one in Seattle-- is it enclosed, or like an actual ferris wheel? I lived in Los Angeles and went to Santa Monica all the time, but never went on the iconic ferris wheel there-- I wonder why... When we visit, we will definitely do it-- maybe it has everything to do with having a child to show it all to. Have you been on the Eye, Marisa?

    2. The one in Seattle is enclosed like the Eye but I think it is 2 narrow benches - you can't walk around inside your pod like you can on the Eye. Here is a link to a photo gallery if you are interested http://www.seattlepi.com/local/slideshow/Gondolas-attached-to-Seattle-Great-Wheel-Ferris-44080.php#photo-3030974

      I have been on the Eye (and took ten million photos! lol) and I think that is why I was disappointed when I saw how much smaller this one was. When I first heard of it I envisioned something like the Eye. I imagine the fact it is on a pier limits the size due to weight constraints. But I still think it is cool and adds some interest to the Seattle waterfront!

  5. I've been on it 4 times - first time as a tourist on my second visit to London in 2002, the second to attend a mulled wine and mince pies Christmas event and the other two times with visitors staying with me in London. It is absolutely brilliant and it looks like you got some great weather too.

    1. Yes, the weather was perfect. Rain had been predicted for the day, and it DID rain-- but there were plenty of sunbursts, and I loved the drama of the clouds and blue skies for the pictures!


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