Saturday, June 30, 2012

Sundays are for Sharing

Hi, Everyone! First of all, thanks for all of the nice birthday wishes, and I loved your comments about the little things that can seem overwhelming-- it helps to hear I'm not alone! It's been a really busy and fun past few days, and I am looking forward to sharing some of our adventures from the weekend with you soon.  This morning, we are up bright and early for a trip into London.  Rain is in the forecast, but we'll go for it anyway, with optimism and recognition that the weather can turn sunny almost as easily as it can go all sopping wet. Anyway, let's talk about some good reads from the week...

On Travel:
Eastern Europe has been on my mind lately, since now would be such a great time to visit these countries.  Maybe we'll get out there next year... In the meantime, I love this post by Amanda, full of gorgeous pictures of Budapest.  That should tide me over... for a week!

Have you heard of the Pontine Islands?  I had not.  But now I can't get them out of my mind.  As hard as I try, I cannot.  (Sigh.)

Do you enjoy your travel days?  Do you connect with the people around you, or do your best to tune them out?  I loved this post about travel days by Jodi-- I relate to this in some ways, and I have to say that these kinds of interactions tend to happen more when I'm alone than with others-- but are always a possibility when you're looking for them.

Home Visits:
I love seeing other peoples' homes. That's one of my favorite things about blogs-- I get to peek inside living spaces all over the world.  And I think the way people set themselves up in their spaces can give little clues about what they are like, what they love, how they feel about certain aspects of life.  After seeing Julie's Pointer's house in Portland,  I'm pretty sure I'd like to have lunch there with her.  I wonder how many times our paths crossed while I lived in the same city.

Here's a peek at the kitchen in one of Gaudi's apartments in Barcelona-- I thought it was beautiful, and more pleasantly simple than I had expected..

I love farms and farm houses, and they seem to be extra-special here.  I'd like to visit this one in Wales, and spend a whole lot of time in the kitchen/ dining room.

British Fun:Fellow UK bloggers Jenny and Laura have been out doing really fun, quintessentially British things this week!  Jenny and her husband got all dressed up and attended the Royal Ascot.  I love her hat, and it all looks like so much (fancy, fancy) fun!

Laura went to Wimbledon-- something that hadn't even crossed my mind, but of course should have by now!  She does a nice job of explaining how it's done.

Expat Issues:
Kirsty wrote a post this week about the little norms that can make one feel "in" or "out" as an expat visiting home, and navigating that territory as a mom.  This really resonated with me, as I have so often felt that discomfort.

First of all, there's this. I know I won't end up making it, but you definitely should!

I love just about every single gorgeous post from Andrea.  I thought I'd share this one, since you may have extra cherries around... Or you might just want to look at beautiful photos.

And here's just a handy tip on growing basil plants from the cut version of the herb.

Shall we end with something sweet?  This is a really adorable interview a dad conducted with his daughters after one of them cut the other's hair.  I totally laughed, but I also appreciated the parenting approach in this three-minute listen.

OK, that wraps it up for today!  I hope you have a sweet weekend, and I'll meet you back over here  soon to go over a super cool trip we took nearby yesterday, and to share pictures from today's ride on the Eye of London.  Cross your fingers and wish for sunshine for us while we're up there!


  1. I used to go to Ponza for summer holidays when I was a kid - the article is quite right, it's absolutely beautiful! I've been dreaming in the last few days about simple holidays by the beach, and I'd LOVE to go there again!

    1. After spending time there as a child, I imagine it's challenging to find equally wonderful places to enjoy your vacation time, right? You lucky lady!

  2. It was the expat issues post that struck a chord with me this week. As always, thanks for an intriguing selection!

    1. So glad you found something that resonated!

  3. I hope your birthday was wonderful! Looking forward to seeing photos of your new haircut. Thanks for the mention on your list this week. I loved browsing all of these links. What a lovely peek into Julie's home, and the watermelon carving looks so fun! Whenever I read travel posts I realise this world is so big and beautiful- I wish I could see it all. Thanks for posting your Sunday list each week. It has become my Monday morning breakfast companion. xx

    1. I love the thought of these posts making their way into your weekly routine-- thanks for letting me know!


Something I love about blogging is the way that I can meet people from all over the world, and we can have conversations about life and the subjects at hand. Please introduce yourself, I would love to hear what you have to say!