Thursday, April 4, 2013

March News, Notes and Links

Hurray for April!  It may still look and feel like the dead of winter over here, but I KNOW things will start growing back any day now.  How was March for you?  For us, as most winter months do, March kept us indoors and cooking and reading more than anything else.  And longing-- you know, for being outside more. Needless to say, we are ready for some more activity.  Every time the sun comes out, I head outside to do a few tasks in our garden. And then I go inside and clean.  What is it about sunshine that makes me want to clean? So for this month's links, let's talk gardening and springtime.  I'm going to just list out some great tips and ideas I found for you.



Spring Cleaning

Food / Art
Spring Recipes
Over the last couple of weeks, a few big things have happened for me.  
  • I finished my last class for my college degree, 15 years after starting it.  That was super exciting.  As I blew out some candles Jeff lit for me that night, it came into my mind that what I wanted to do next was earn some money.  It wasn't something I had been thinking about, really-- it just came to me as I was closing that chapter by making a wish.  
  • On that very same day, someone contacted me about a job.  I didn't know she was going to offer me a job-- I just agreed to meet her and chat later that week, and was completely taken by surprise!  I will tell you more about the job as I myself become more sure of the details-- I will begin in less than two weeks, and it sounds like something I will love doing!  
  • The third great thing that happened is that I found out that my sister is coming to visit in June!  She will be my first family member to come visit us, and I am SO excited!  
  • Lastly, I broke my camera and eventually replaced it.  This is the one I bought, and I am thrilled with it!  
I hope some really great things have come your way in March, as well.

  • Have you signed up for my weekly newsletter?  You should!  It includes unpublished recipes and other good stuff that is different from what I post here.
  • The community at the And Here We Are facebook page became over 1,000 strong yesterday!  That is super exciting (for me, at least!)
  • We watched a wonderful French movie called The Hedgehog.  I think you will like it.
  • The most popular post this month was on Making Wild Nettles Beer. Have any of you tried it yet?
March was a good month, and I forsee some great things ahead for April!  I think we'll be taking a trip to London, getting our guest room ready for summer's visitors, and of course cooking, eating and brewing anything we can find.  How was your March?  Did you watch any great movies you'd like to tell all of us about?

PAID ENDORSEMENT DISCLOSURE: In order for me to support my blogging activities, I may receive monetary compensation or other types of remuneration for my endorsement, recommendation, testimonial and/or link to any products or services from this blog.

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