Monday, October 1, 2012

Corners: Autumn is Creeping In...

How's the weather over in your part of the world?  We have definitely been having some gorgeous days, mixed with the usual stretches of gray and rain.  But I'm ready to hunker down a little, and enjoy being indoors.  This weekend I worked on a couple of projects, bringing autumn foliage indoors.
We have a huge rowan berry tree at the end of our yard.  I pruned some long branches, and made them into a decorative garland.  We bought a hurricane for our beeswax candles.
 I have mentioned beeswax candles before-- they are a cold-month staple for me, cleaning the air indoors, and filling the room with the scent of honey.  I have been using them for years, ever since my naturopath told me about their benefits.  I recently came across a great post all about using beeswax candles, if you're curious about it!

 We also have a hawthorn tree in our back yard, and I love using these spindly branches to make wreaths.  They don't have thorns, and the leaves are so similar to oak leaves, plus those bright red berries are perfect!  I made this with only branches and garden twine.
 Of course, there has to be at least one pumpkin... And the antique crock holds more hawthorn branches. (Bonus view of my messy dining room!)
And this is just a little corner where we see summer finishing its business.  I have gotten a few tomatoes from my garden, but really not much, because of the cold summer we had.   So I'll eat this little red tomato with great ceremony later on in the week.

How is October treating you so far?  How do you like to cozy things up in your home, as we shift to shorter, colder days?

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  1. I went for a walk this weekend in a place where there was on Hawthorn tree after another. I don't recall ever having seen them before and was taken with immediately. THanks for identifying it for me today! So convenient :)


    Now I wish I had taken a branch or two!

    1. Hi Dana! I think you'll just have to take some clippers next time. :)

  2. Dry,warm summer weather is staying late here but I am ready for some cooler days. We've been busy putting summer things away and getting the garden ready for its winter nap.

    I am making a garland for our front doorway using some of our hop vines that still have their hop buds on.

    It's almost time to start building our front yard into a haunted house for Halloween,a much loved event for the neighborhood and my husband the biggest kid on the block.

    1. I love the idea of the hop vine garland-- so perfect! People really don't decorate their porches/ doorsteps much here, and I don't think much is happening in our neighborhood for Halloween. It would be really fun to get some trick-or-treaters, but I don't think that would happen here... I know this is a great time of year in Portland!

  3. This weekend was cool, grey, and rainy so all apple picking plans were called off. I spent an evening watching the rain fall, thinking about knitting (but not actually knitting), painting my nails a stormy color, and watching too many episodes of Mad Men. And comforting my sweet dog who is deathly afraid of rain!

    I like your pretty foliage garlands! I am thinking about preserving some of the brilliant little leaf-jewels that are collecting on the ground by covering them in wax & stringing them together.

    1. Oh, sorry your apple picking plans got canceled! Your evening does sound pretty cozy, though. We were busy enough this summer that I have enjoyed those moments more than I expected to.

      I remember seeing those wax-coated leaves in a magazine before, and thinking it was something I should try. I hope you do it-- sound so pretty!

  4. I didn't know about the benefits of beeswax! How cool!


    1. Yes, it's really great! I just love that warm honey smell in the air, too...

  5. Thank you for sharing my link, Ariana! I am so excited to explore you blog! And I love that hawthorn wreath you made... lovely!

    1. Hi Lauren, I'm glad you stopped by. It's nice to have such a relevant and informative post to share!

  6. Interesting link about beeswax candles; I hadn't realised beeswax candles could be positively good rather than just 'not bad'- thanks.

    Love the Hawthorn wreath. I've picked branches for a jug before, but never thought of making a wreath. Though apart from Christmas it's not a very English thing to decorate your front door or porch...that's my excuse! This year will be different- I'm going blackberrying later so I can pick some then and have a go.

    1. Hazel, I slowly picked up on the fact that it's not very English to decorate the porch, last year. So many kids walked by, shouting about the pumpkin on our doorstep. It was so funny that we've put them out again this year. I don't mind being a little different that way-- drawing attention in a pleasant surprise. I hope you do make a wreath!

  7. The weather on our side is a bit foggy and hazy, but its just right for fall and me and the orange trees!! Hows it on your end Ariana??

    I'd imagine the beeswax candles smell like honey, no? Very interesting.

    -Tony Salmeron

    1. Hi Tony. I miss orange trees a lot, coming from Southern California. I keep a little tree indoors here, just for the sake of smelling its leaves. Weather here alternates between rainy and windy all day, to just absolutely gorgeous. It's a nice time of year to live in England.

  8. I love your garlands and wreath- so perfect!! I wish I could make thing like that but I swear that I have butter fingers when it comes to this type of thing. If I tried to make a wreath like that I'd probably end up with some sort of wonky oval or something! But yours are just beautiful. And I so love cozying the house up for fall. And thank you for sharing the beeswax link - that is so fascinating and I'm glad to learn this. I had no idea at all about the health benefits of burning beeswax candles or the health risks of paraffin. Good stuff to know. Last spring I was in Charleston, SC and bought some bee pollen straight from the bee farm but I haven't been good about taking it - but I know it is supposed to have similar positive effects on your health.

    1. Marisa-- trust me, I've made my share of wonky wreaths! I think just working with branches and stuff over and over again, you'll get a feel for it, and it becomes much easier. Plus, I kind of like that "most definitely home-made" look!


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