Thursday, November 1, 2012

October Link Love and News

Hi Everyone!  Can you believe it's already November?! It is definitely cold over here now, and we're getting into that "hunker down" phase... And, boy have I been hunkering down!  I have been in the midst of a whole bunch of deadlines in the last week, and it has not been much fun.  But at least I have a nice place to sit and work all day:

I know I promised that I'd be getting back to my Sundays are for Sharing posts each week, but I realized that they take more time than I have right now. Maybe in a few more months... I do share a lot of fun stuff over at my Facebook page, though, so you may want to check in there from time to time.  For example, I try to post pictures of my weekly £5 bouquets, and this week I posted more pictures from our weekend in London.
 And a quick word about Facebook... In case you've missed all the rants from fan page owners, there have been some lame changes recently with FB algorithms, and unless readers are really enthusiastic, most posts won't be seen by them.  For example, most of the links I post are only seen by 30% of the And Here We Are community.  So if you want to see more, you need to "like," comment, and share.  I know-- you have to work for it!  It's kind of a scandal, and I hope enough people get upset about it that things go back to normal, and you can see all of my posts easily.  Just thought you should know.

Moving on!
Instead of the weekly links, I'll do one post at the end of each month with some good reading for you all.  I thought I'd focus this month on food.  Since joining the Village Green Network, I have found so many great blogs about real food and natural living.  The network has so many wonderful, thoughtful writers, with a huge wealth of knowledge, creativity, and expertise.  Most of the content is about healing our bodies through good food, so there is a blend of art and science there that I love.  One great way to find a huge selection of articles and recipes is to follow the Village Green Network Pinterest Board.  (You can follow me, too, here!)

Good Information-- Here are some posts that talk about some basics that I think are really important. This is not the same information you will find in mainstream media, and might be pretty surprising to you!

The Truth About Raw Milk
The Lost Art of Making Bone Broth 
The Science and History of Culturing Foods 
Cholesterol-- The Unsung Antioxidant
Are the Benefits of Flax Seeds Worth It?

Good Recipes--  There are so many great ones, I'll share some that I plan to try in the next month...

Chocolate Macaroons
Fall Apple Bacon Salad 
The Best Oxtail Stew Ever 
Winter Squash Pie 
Grain-Free Chocolate Chip Cookies

And just in case you missed any of our shenanigans, here's a recap of And Here We Are posts from October:
Autumn is Creeping In 
Daring Greatly 
Charity Shops!
The Suffolk Game and Country Show: Dogs, and Tweed, and Owls, Oh My!
An Edible Woodland Adventure: Fungi Foray! 
Nature Reserves and Foraging 
Autumn Spirit 
Yes on Prop 37 
One-Stop Shopping: Country-Style!
Beautiful Days in the Neighbor-Woods
Making Peace With Seasons 
And Then We Ate (in London, for Three Days Straight) 
A Lunchtime Mezza for One 
A Stroll Down Portobello Road 
Comforting Suppers: Deeply-Rooted Beef Stew 
How I Made Wild Blackberry Cider
Well, we sure have had a lot of fun this month!

I have one more thing to mention today.  I just heard yesterday that I was nominated as a Top European Mom blogger over at Circle of Moms.  I have loved being a Top 25 Expat Mom Blogger, and would love to have your support in placing as one of their Top European bloggers.  Would you mind clicking over and giving me your vote?  I don't want to be obnoxious about it, and I will try not to badger you.  It's one of those that lets you vote every day.  I put a badge up at the top of my blog, so if you ever see it and are willing, I'd love your support!

Alright, thanks for reading and, always, for following along with us.
What was the best read of October for you?  What are you looking forward to in November?

PAID ENDORSEMENT DISCLOSURE: In order for me to support my blogging activities, I may receive monetary compensation or other types of remuneration for my endorsement, recommendation, testimonial and/or link to any products or services from this blog.


  1. Thanks for sharing my oxtail recipe! I'm making it again tomorrow (for the 3rd time in a month) because I keep dreaming about it...

    1. Courtney, the first time I made braised oxtail, we were all a little scandalized that we had never eaten it before, and started craving it again immediately! This post reminded me to ask my butcher if he can get me some more!

  2. I found you on the Top European Blogger page and I am your newest follower. In just this post you have touched on things that I am passionate about...raw milk, bone broth and I see you have an ad for sprouted flower on your sidebar. Yay!!! I think I will enjoy your blog :)

  3. Hi Christine-- I am so glad you found me, and that you'll be joining us for more! I think you will especially like this post: , when we managed to all of our grocery shopping on a countryside ramble. I always love "meeting" others who are into traditional foods-- its so much fun, and such vital information to pass on to others. Thanks for introducing yourself!

  4. Just voted! I'll try to do it daily for the next 4 days...


Something I love about blogging is the way that I can meet people from all over the world, and we can have conversations about life and the subjects at hand. Please introduce yourself, I would love to hear what you have to say!