Friday, October 12, 2012

Yes on Prop 37 Giveaway: Rumiano Cheese

Hi Everyone!  I am really excited about today's post, since it involves something simple we can all do to support quality food, biodiversity, sustainability and access to organic foods in the USA.  AND one of you will get a great prize!

Prop 37

First, let's talk about Prop 37.  I don't generally get political here, but this is a really exciting and critical moment for Americans and food.  Did you know that over 50 countries have either banned the use of genetically engineered foods, or have made laws requiring genetically modified foods to be labeled?  In the United States, however, these foods are not labeled, and have made their way into virtually all processed foods, and many more, even in trusted health food stores. So individuals and families that would like to avoid them find it extremely difficult to do so.  Requiring labeling of GMO foods in California will change things for the entire country. Polls show that more than 90% of Americans want to know if their food is genetically engineered, but that would hurt the companies that are producing these items, so these companies have been donating millions of dollars to campaigns against Prop 37.  These guys have virtually unlimited resources, so it is a very tough fight.  I believe it's critical that Americans pay attention and take action right now.  We are talking about our food supply here, what we feed our families every day. I am going to be really honest with you, that food safety is one of the big reasons that I am happy to live in Europe-- I feel much more confident in the food supply here.  Americans need to demand safe food, and clear labeling of GMO foods.

Now, a word about Rumiano Cheese... 


Isn't it great when you hear about a company doing things the right way?  I loved reading all about the Rumiano family and the way they have been making their cheeses in California for years.  They are one of the few companies that can guarantee that their cows have not had any GMOs in their diets, and they feed their cows fresh grass year-round.  Here's a great video, a very pleasant watch:


"Our cheese is made using the highest quality Kosher and Non-GMO ingredients. We use organic-approved microbial coagulant instead of animal rennet, making our cheeses lacto-vegetarian safe. Natural sea salt is used for flavor. All of the milk used in Rumiano cheese comes from cows that are free of antibiotics, free of artificial hormones, and free of pesticides and herbicides."

In a food world full of shortcuts and fillers, it's so great to hear about a company using sustainable, humane, and health-promoting practices.  If I was living in California, this is absolutely where I'd get my cheese!  Luckily, any US residents can also order their products online.  And one of you can get a box of assorted cheeses from Rumiano, a $20 value, plus free shipping.

Entering this great giveaway is very simple!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Here are the official rules for this giveaway, and you need to know that this sweepstakes is open to US residents only; residents of Florida, New York or Rhode Island are not eligible. (Sorry!)  This giveaway will close in one week, and I will announce the winner on October 19th.

I would love for you to participate, even if you are unable to donate.  Simply leaving a comment or sharing this post will help spread the word, and strengthen support for Prop 37, requiring GM foods to be labeled.
PAID ENDORSEMENT DISCLOSURE: In order for me to support my blogging activities, I may receive monetary compensation or other types of remuneration for my endorsement, recommendation, testimonial and/or link to any products or services from this blog.


  1. Oh la la, I am eligible! I will enter as soon as I get home from work - I can't pass up the chance at some yummy cheeses direct to my doorstep! (and of course I am 100% in favor of Prop 37 as well)

  2. I like to know what's in my food -especially no chemicals

  3. Hi Ariana,
    Just discovered your blog through Cheeseslave... I loved this cheese! I was able to buy some here in GA and it was delicious. I hate GMOs.. I read enough about them to be scared about how unpredictable they are. Hope this passes and other states learn from CA!!

  4. I didn't donate, but I support Yes on Prop 37 because I think people should be able to know which foods contain GMOs and make a decision about whether to buy those foods based on that information.

  5. Such an important cause! Been wanting to enter but hard to do on my phone! My sweet auntie let me borrow her computer. I sure hope I win! I am a cheese fanatic! But thank you for promoting this - I am a huge proponent of this. A similar prop was defeated in WA but they are trying to put it though again. I'm going to look into it some more and see what I can do once I get home :)

    PS This is Marisa! My aunt is logged into Google so I can't post as myself.

  6. Thank you again Ariana!! I am beyond thrilled to have won - such a lucky day for me! And I am so glad to help you in supporting an important cause. As you know I am extremely concerned about food quality and the ability to buy natural, healthy foods. Fortunately it is becoming easier all the time as more and more people are developing awareness around this issue. Things do seem to be moving in the right direction even if it is still slower than we would wish. Can NOT wait for my yummy, non-GMO cheese! Thank you!

    1. Marisa, I know you will love and enjoy this prize-- so glad you are so excited!

  7. Thank you so much, to every one of you who participated! I loved being a part of something as important as this.


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