Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Wednesday-- What I Love About Where I Live: Smartly Dressed Gentlemen

The other day as I was walking to the market, three men who had to be about ten years my younger joined me at the crosswalk.  They were all wearing well-fitted pinstripe suits and wingtips.  That seriously added something pleasant to my day. But it wasn't out of the ordinary.  I consider it a real treat to see men wearing suits all the time.  Of course, I am much too bashful to take pictures of good-looking men who look especially dapper-- and I have a serious blushing problem.  But I found some images to share the sorts of looks I often see around me.

Not too bad, right?  But even the casual wear is pretty cute.  Here are some pictures of Princes Harry and William, with Kate.  We see men dressed like this all the time, especially when we go out to the country, or anywhere there might be mud.  But even more tweed, plaid and argyle.  Our neighbor puts on a three-piece suit for work, then comes home and changes into something like what we see below, with  the wellies to walk the dog.

It sure beats a windbreaker, sneakers and baggy jeans! And, of course, Jeff blends right in, too:
Well done, old chap!


  1. Haha, this post is awesome especially considering that when I think of your husband I think well dressed. I'm afraid we may not fit into the neighborhood. ;)

    1. There's definitely a big difference between Portland style and English style! Jeff has always been a cute dresser, and that's something that attracted me to him. So we both enjoy seeing people look so polished!

  2. Oh my goodness - I have SO noticed this . . . er them when I've been in the UK!!!! LOVE it! I particularly noticed all the men wearing very stylish and trim suits in London - very enjoyable to look at ;D

    1. PS if you notice any particularly jauntily attired gentlemen please send my way!

    2. I know-- there's nothing like a well-tailored suit. Even when men on the West Coast wear suits, they usually seem really big and boxy, right?

      And, I'll keep an eye out for you, Marisa!

    3. But you'll have to come over here to pick him up! ;)

  3. I love it. I never understand why people don't want to look their best and choose sloppy comfort out in public! BTW- I understand the blushing part...makes me feel young! xo-carol

    1. Carol, reminds me of the flower guy at the Whittier market, how we both kind of swooned over him each week! Luckily, Nathan has always been a snazzy dresser!

  4. Oh yes - the European men know how to dress! My husband tells me repeatedly that he is going to keep his "European style" throughout his life in the U.S. "Yes, please!" is my response. :)

    1. Yes, it's not limited to England. I do like the sort of classic tweedy look that the English have, but we enjoy the fashion sense all over Europe. I remember when we were in Sevilla, Jeff commented that everyone looked like they'd just stepped out of an Armani ad. But I remember seeing guys wearing matching outfits a lot, and that seemed super weird to me!

  5. I miss that!!! hahah My husband still wears a suit to work, (Ocassionally) but the norm is flipflops and raggedy clothes! Or 40 year old dressed like K-Pop Stars.. yuck! hahahah

    1. Ugh, I hate that wannabe pop star look! My husband doesn't wear a suit to work (he goes into peoples' homes to work with babies and toddlers, so that's not practical!) but he does dress up more than everyone else, and I think they razz him about it a bit. But I like it.

  6. Your husband has the best smile, he's got the Princes beat.

    1. Oh, that's so nice. I agree, and Jeff will definitely flash that winning smile when he reads your comment.

  7. Very sharp! People here in the South(of the US)tend to dress a little more formally for work & going out as well - I guess it's a part of the culture here. Maybe not 3 piece suits, and quite a bit less tweed and wool, but Southerners really like formal, preppy style. Lots of guys wear blazers and collared shirts with jeans and boots when out and about, and young guys wear very sharp & stylish business wear. I guess I never noticed that it's different in other places!


    1. I didn't know that about Southern culture! I guess I have seen very well-dressed Southern gentlemen on TV shows and things, but I didn't realize it wasn't just celebrities. I like that! I especially have a soft spot for young men in suits, although I would say here that the older a man is, probably the more stylish he is likely to be.

  8. I think Jeff has found the secret to looking English- wearing a scarf! It is THE must have accessory for men and women all year long. And he wears it very well. xx

    1. I agree! Does your husband wear one? Jeff picked up on the scarf thing while we were in Germany, and has a nice collection now!

    2. That's a St-James scarf Jeff is wearing, isn't it? Viggo (my 5 year old) has one! As well as a hat, and a true Bréton rain slicker. Love 'em!

  9. My 5 year old has somehow picked up How To Dress French. His favourite thing to wear is a Monsoon brown velvet jacket (even in summer!) with a black turtleneck and skinny jeans, an "echarpe" knotted loosely at the neck. So soigné. ;-)

    I just love how well people in Europe dress, especially in France and Italy. It makes me happy.

    1. Oh, my gosh! I love that... Would you consider emailing me a picture? I remember one of the first impressions for both Jeff and me when we went to Spain was how well the children were dressed. It was in winter, and I was just loving all of the darling, old-fashioned-looking wool coats. Amazingly, I found a really adorable one like those at our local supermarket here!


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