Thursday, March 21, 2013

Making Wild Nettles Beer

Yep, I made nettles beer!  We were drinking this very tasty beverage just two weeks after our afternoon foraging for stinging nettles.  If you haven't read any other home brew posts, I just want to remind you that I am a complete novice, and have just figured out how to do this on my own.  Having some country brewing books is very handy (this is the one we have) and of course being able to look things up online is invaluable.  Still, this process was very, very simple.  It helps that I have a wild yeast that I grew at home, one that is very eager and assertive.  This makes everything faster, more exciting, and fairly unpredictable.  You could definitely order a commercial yeast to use, follow a recipe, and get much more predictable results-- either way is great, the important part is to get out there, pick the free and health-enhancing nettles, and start brewing!

This is what I did.
I took the big pile of nettles we had gathered, and rinsed them several times.  I used gloves and tongs, and washed them in a bucket outside.  I also poured some distilled vinegar in the tub to let them soak in, to help remove any unwelcome residues.  After that, I set up two pots of water on the stove.  I blanched the raw nettles in the first pot until they had wilted and lost their sting-- about 30 seconds-- and then put them in the big pot that I would use to brew my beer wort (tea, basically.)  I blanched the nettles in batches, and once they were all in the big pot, I let them simmer for 20 minutes.

Once the wort was brewed, I poured the tea out into the big bucket I had used.
Ok, let me stop right here and tell you that I sterilized everything.  This is important.  You have to sterilize the bucket, the bottles, the funnel-- anything that will be touching the brew after it's been boiled.  It's not hard-- you can just buy home brew disinfectants that are made for this purpose.  I tend to be a bit relaxed about this kind of thing in general, but I do sterilize.
Alright.  To the bucket of tea, I added brown sugar and lemon juice.  That is all!  No grains, malts, hops, etc.  It is very simple.  The basics you need for any home brew are an herbal agent that offers the basic flavor and medium to brew in, and then sugar for the yeast to eat, and then some acid to balance things out.  (If you were using a fruit with some nice acid in it already, then you wouldn't need to add any.)

Here's the official ingredient list, with measurements:
750g nettle tops
4 litres water
450g brown sugar
Juice of two lemons

You can also check out instructions for making it with commercial yeast from respected forager John Wright here.  And I have put together a few links to brewing equipment you may need.  You may be able to find these things on craigslist too, and keep in mind that you can re-use everything over and over again, once you have a few basics.

I let the wort cool in the bucket.  Some people let the mixture stay in the bucket for a few days before decanting into the demijohns.  I got impatient and also didn't like the plastic smell of the bucket, and wanted to get it out of there sooner.  To make up for doing this early, I had to rack it again a few days later, since keeping it in the bucket would have allowed more sediment to settle and not make it into the jugs.

Once it was cool, I put the liquid in the demijohn.  There was extra, which I just poured into another glass bottle.  I added the yeast culture, which was basically the dregs of an apple cider I had made a couple weeks before.  This culture has lived many lives already, starting last summer as a strawberry kvass which picked up the cider yeast strain when I just covered it with fabric rather than putting an airlock on it.  Since then, I have used it to make the blackberry "cider," ginger beer, pear cider, and then most recently, apple cider from locally pressed apples.  I always save some of the liquid and powdery stuff on the bottom to add to my next brew, and it has served me very well, so far!  For basic instructions on getting a wild yeast of your own, look here.

Alright, so I added the yeast culture, and then put the rubber cork and airlock on it. I brought it inside to put by our radiator, where the temperature is not at all hot, but just warmer than the rest of our drafty house.

Within three days, the yeast was going kind of crazy.  It kept overflowing, out through the airlock.  I realize now that I probably should have left a lot more room between the liquid and the top of the bottle. 

Since I already had to rack it again, this wasn't a big deal-- I just sterilized a new fermenting jug and syphoned it out.  With all of the overflow, I was able to also fit the liquid in that extra bottle, so it was all consolidated.

I saved the last inch or so from each.  Initially, I thought I would save this for another ferment, but the plastic lid kept blowing off of the jar, and so we drank that bit.  At this point, the beer was definitely developing a beer-y flavor, but was just sweeter than we wanted.  It was pretty promising, and there were clear hops-like flavors that we got excited about.

About a week later, it was ready to decant into bottles.  The timing was based on wanting more fizz and fermentation, but not wanting the mixture to run out of sugar to metabolize.  So bottling it when it was just a little sweeter than I wanted, with some fizz going and a nice flavor was about right.  After siphoning it into bottles, I put those back over by the radiator for three days, allowing the last bit of sugar to be turned into more alcohol and carbonation.  We took the last bit of beer, leaving the lees (yeasty sludge)-- some of which I have already added to my next brew, and put it into a couple of wine bottles and corked them.  Because they contained more yeast culture than the rest, they developed really quickly, and became super fizzy within a day or so.

As I said at the beginning, just two weeks after picking the nettles, we were drinking the beer.  And I wish you could come over and try it, because it is really, really good!  Both Jeff and I were surprised and impressed by the good flavor and the very beer-like character, all without any of the usual beer ingredients.  Nettles totally work-- and gave it a flavor similar to an IPA!  And using brown sugar added some extra dimension.  I totally recommend it.  So, this is what it looks like:

If you look closely, you'll see that there is still yeast in the bottle, it just settles to the bottom.  It's nice and fizzy!
I think we may go out foraging again this weekend, so we can start another batch!  I also wanted to mention that after I cooked the nettles, I strained them and pureed them to use for cooking.  We made a really nice dip (like a traditional spinach dip) and I plan to use the ones I froze to make a nettles soup, and maybe a nettles version of saag paneer.  So this experience of making nettles beer provided a really pleasant afternoon out gathering, plenty of greens to eat, and a wonderful beer!

Have you ever brewed your own beer or wine?  Do you think you'll give it a shot?

This post was shared at: Sunday School, Homestead Barn Hop, Mostly Homemade Mondays, Thank Goodness It's Monday, Family Table Tuesday, Traditional Tuesday, Slightly Indulgent Tuesday, Tuesday Confessional, Nifty Thrifty, Tutorial Tuesday, Take-a-look Tuesday, Tuesday Talent Show, Fat Tuesday,Scratch Cookin' Tuesday, What I'm Eating, Common Sense Preparedness, Wildcrafting Wednesday, Party Wave Wednesday, Thank Your Body Thursday, Pennywise Platter, Tasty Traditions, Fight Back Friday, Sustainable Living Linkup, Farm Girl Blog Fest.

PAID ENDORSEMENT DISCLOSURE: In order for me to support my blogging activities, I may receive monetary compensation or other types of remuneration for my endorsement, recommendation, testimonial and/or link to any products or services from this blog.


  1. Wow! Fantastic. Definitely going to forage more nettles this weekend!

    I picked up 'A Cook on the Wild Side' by HFW in a charity shop yesterday, which has some very intriguing recipes in (and a photo of a very young Hugh on the front!)

    1. Hazel, I will have to check out that book-- I am not sure I've seen it yet. So fun! By the way, have you ever visited River Cottage?

  2. Wow! Now I really can't wait for the snow to melt. I've begun experimenting with honey mead and I will surely have to try this out too.

    1. I skipped the mead-making, which is supposed to be the best introduction to home brewing-- but I definitely intend to do some this summer, finally. You should definitely make this-- it was not difficult, and has been such a great beverage. Of course, we are almost out now, and wishing we had made a bigger batch-- but the nettles will be much thicker once the snow melts, so we'll do more next time!

  3. Do you think that pregnant woman would be ok to drink this since it is nettles? Also what about children? I am looking forward to trying this

    1. Only if you think it's OK for pregnant women and children to drink alcohol. This is an alcoholic drink, stronger than a regular beer, make no mistake!

  4. can you use breewers yeast

    1. You should get a proper beer brewing yeast. You can find it at a brewing supply store, or online. It's super cheap. Here's one from amazon: .

    2. Gervin Ale Yeast gives nettle beer a great beer-y taste it also helps give a bit of head retention.

      P.S. @Ariana Mullins. you really should "invest" in a Hydrometer, random alcohol content brewing soon gets annoying

  5. That sounds awesome! I think my husband would love to do this! I would love for you to share this at what i am eating (or drinking in your case!)

  6. Very intriguing!! We are certainly going to try this in the summer when our fields have nettles (so many nettles!). I haven't eaten them either...though I love spinach so might try that too! Thank you!!

    1. Cait, youwill want to pick them by early June, when they are at their best. Don't wait too long, they will be tough and less flavorful after spring. Also, just pick the top 5 leaves or so.

  7. THANK YOU SO MUCH! we have an abundant supply of wild nettle along the creek bank, this is very detailed and informative, I will definitely be trying this!

    1. Oh, you are welcome! I am so glad you'll give it a shot!

  8. What a wonderful post and site! I have access to a LOT of nettles. I even had some come up in my garden and just left them so I could eat them. My family thinks I am crazy.

    Do you think that the sediment at the bottom of a home brewed kombucha would work for the yeast?

    I am excited to try this!

    Thanks for the post.


    1. Hi Rachelle, I'm glad you're eating your nettles! I wouldn't use the kombucha sediment. Instead, I would recommend that you buy some yeast-- it is super cheap. I had someone else ask me the same thing yesterday. If you are in the US, here's some you can order easily on amazon: . If you are in the UK, then you can pick some up at Wilkinsons or local health food shops.

    2. Thanks for the reply. My nettles are coming up fast!


  9. How long does the beer last after you bottle it? What happens in terms of fermentation and change of taste once you bottle it?

    1. ChantalMM, once you bottle the beer, you want to give it a bit of time to develop carbonation. But I wouldn't keep it for more than a month or two in the fridge. I did this with a bottle of the apple cider, and it turned into something more like apple champagne-- it tasted GREAT, but I lost most of it in an explosive fountain when I opened the bottle. Your beer will keep fermenting at a slower pace. This is another reason to use swing-top (grolsch-style) bottles, so they don't explode with the building pressure. The swing-top caps can release tiny amounts of pressure over time, to keep that from happening.

  10. This is so fascinating! It combines my love of home brew AND of nettles!
    In the future, you can control the bubbly overflow (called "krausen") by making a makeshift blow-off tube with your airlock. Just purchase a couple feet of 3/8" tubing and stick it right on to your center pillar on your airlock (after sterilizing, of course!) Stick the other end of the tube into a jug half filled with water, making sure the end is submerged in the water. That way, your krausen is diverted, or "blows-off" into the second jug and not all over your airlock! Once the yeast calms down a little, you can remove the tube and use your airlock as normal. :-)
    Thanks for the great idea! And if you ever need some home brew info, let me know!

    1. Thank you for the great tip! It worked out OK this time, since I was planning to rack it twice anyway, but that is very helpful!

  11. This looks really interesting Ariana! I love anything DIY and all natural...right up my alley. :) Thanks for sharing this on Wildcrafting Wednesday! Hope to see you again today!

  12. Oh how I love this post so! We have been going nettle crazy, but I hadn't thought to make beer from them. Sounds like a weekend project for Dear Husband and I :) Cheers!

  13. I LOVE this! I need to find some nettles :)

  14. Thought this was such a fantastic use of nettles (which always make me think of Britain even though I know they're not exclusive to Britain!) that I put it in the BritMums Expat Roundup this month :)
    Feel free to take the link out, just wanted you to know where to look if interested!)

  15. I have heaps of dried nettles as I drink them as a tea and so, after reading this post I gave it a go. I had NONE of the equipment and only a bag of brewers yeast (nondescript) from a health shop but I have bubbly beer in bottles now and a second attempt on the go now too. I had no lemons for that batch though so I'm "sperimenting" with apple cider in there. I've never brewed before but I'm keen to get my hubby of bought beers and onto something home brewed. I can't wait to do some more experimentation and I reckon we might crack open a pint tonight. :)

    1. Awesome! Good for you for going for it and using what you have. I'd love to hear how it came out for you...

  16. Wow, this sounds great. Only thing is - I hate nettles. I fell in a patch when I was a child and have hated them ever since. But now that I hear you can make beer - well maybe I will just have to change my thoughts on nettles! I will show this to my hubby - maybe he will try it. Thanks for sharing. Found you on the Farmgirl Friday fest.

  17. I found you through 'Homestead Survival'. Stinging nettles are a fantastic food. I used to buy them when I lived in Sarajevo. They are a tasty food in their own right.
    They grow all over the place in Europe.

    I don't see them growing on the West Coast. Do they?

    1. Katja, I would google that... I lived in So California and in Oregon, and didn't come across them. That doesn't mean that they aren't there-- just that I wasn't walking around the areas where they are most likely to grow. I hope you can find some!

  18. I didn't notice a beginning S.G.

    We're new to beer making and like to go by-the-book. Do you know what your starting specific gravity was?

    Thanks much

    1. Hello Rich, I did not check specific gravity. We have the gadget to do so, but I am kind of the opposite of you-- less by-the-book and more by-the-seat-of-my-pants. So sorry!

  19. That's so amazing! I had no idea you could make beer from nettles! We have yet to brew our first batch of beer, have only made cider so far, but I can't wait to start!

    1. I hope you do try it, Meredith-- we were so pleased and surprised by how well it turned out!

  20. I wonder if you could do this with water kefir somehow. Thanks for sharing at Wildcrafting Wednesday.

    1. Hi Jennifer. I think you could make a fermented tea beverage this way with water kefir, but I would use a cider yeast instead for a real country beer.

  21. This is fantastic! I am type 1 diabetic and my choices for low carb beer are dismal. Would this beer have many carbs in it after the yeast eats up the brown sugar? And could I add any spices?

    1. Hi Leah,
      You could definitely add something like ginger, or coriander seeds. It would be worth a try! As for the sugar content, it's so hard for me to know how much carbohydrate is left. You have some control over the process, and can let it get very dry. I would give it a shot, since it's not grain-based and you are more able to taste the sugars left over, as opposed to non-sweet starch left in traditional beers. Good luck!

  22. I've just drunk the first bottle of the nettle beer I made with a friend after this recipe. I wasn't sure if it would change anything that our nettles were already in full bloom, but apparently, that doesn't matter. Here's how it looked after a day and here's the finished beer, two weeks later.

    I grew the yeast on a couple of overripe strawberries in a glass of water and it worked just fine. We've kept the dregs, right now the yeats gets to feed on some gooseberries to keep it alive, until we've figured out what to brew next. So thank you for that recipe, I doubt I would have tried stinging nettle beer of all things (and as a first homebrew experiment no less) if I hadn't found it.

    1. Jedediah, thanks so much for reporting back! I am so glad you went ahead and tried it, and using strawberry for the yeast culture is perfect. Are you seeing a new growth of nettles in your area? I had thought the season was about over, since they had gotten to be about as tall as me-- but there are new ones growing now, so I think we'll take advantage!

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  24. Hi Ariana,

    I also brewed some nettle beer. I used the river cottage recipe from John (what's his name?)

    I brewed it about 12 days ago and bottled it last Friday. I'm going to sample a bottle/ bottles tomorrow night so ill let you know how I get on;)

    Some quick questions before i go:
    How strong does the beer get?

    Should it be used within a month of initial brewing to prevent it from spoiling?

    When should i stop releasing the pressure in the bottles?

    And is ut ok to store it at room temp?

    Love the blog.

  25. I have been looking for more information about nettles, im looking at this supplement and it says it contains it in, but does it really have a positive effect? This is what i was looking at:


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