Thursday, June 21, 2012

A Sunday in Southwold

The coast has a magnetic draw for us.  On the weekends, when the weather is halfway decent, we can't think of anything better than driving the hour or so through the country to get there.  We had been to Southwold before, but it was on one of those English days in August when the sunshine came and went with torrential rains in between.  On that venture, we ate our picnic in our car, pulled over on the side of the road, because it was raining so hard that we could hardly see to drive.

Not this time!  It was gorgeous.  Windy, yes, but beautiful.  And that golden, golden sunshine!

If you look for pictures of Southwold, you will undoubtedly see lots of images of these beach huts.  They are privately owned, and I recently found out that they are worth something like £100,000!  The value of these huts are that they block the wind and provide a roof for when you are enjoying your perfect day at the beach, and suddenly find yourself in a miserable downpour.  There are also refrigerators and hot plates in most of these tiny buildings.

It didn't rain while we were there on Sunday, and we found the perfect solution for the sometimes-cold winds.  We set up our picnic area against a wind break, and it was pretty fantastic.
Another bonus feature on this beach was actual sand.  Most of the beaches we've been to have mainly pebbles all the way to the water, so it's not quite as fun for Amelia, since digging in the sand is her thing.
I loved climbing up these rocks and sitting in the sun, enjoying the ocean scene.
Another fun thing about going to the beach in England is that there is almost always a really cute town or village to explore when you've had enough time in the sun, when the clouds roll in, or it's cold and you need to duck in somewhere for a cider.
I think we may have found a favorite!


  1. How sweet and beautiful! Your photos of the English seaside remind me of old impressionist paintings what with all the big, white, blowsy clouds and blue-green water.

    It's so great that you can take mini vacations on the weekends - it must be so refreshing to go on a long drive through the countryside and end up at a cute little town next to the sea like that one!

    Procrastinating at work as always,


    1. Hi Amanda! It is always so surprising to me to drive through the country and end up looking at ocean. It seems so unlikely... And, of course, the drive itself is a treat.

      I smiled as I realized that I spend quite a bit of time thinking how nice it would be to have a job... Knowing that I help you escape from yours gives me a greater sense of purpose. :)

      Get something done for me! I'll go to the beach for you!

  2. I love those tiny beach huts! They are just adorable. Too bad they are so expensive. :) What a gorgeous day for the beach.

    1. Yes, they are really cute! I think the price belies the total commitment the Brits have for enjoying any tiny bit of sunshine that comes their way. I imagine they just sit around in there in the rain some days, just hoping the sun might come out for an hour or two...

  3. I read about your little trips to the beach and I think, "Hey! We should be able to take a little drive to enjoy the beach and find a picturesque town." It sounds like something we should be able to do in Michigan, but this is only a state, not a whole country. Which got me wondering about the size of the UK... hmmm. Well, I just discovered that the UK is about 94K square miles compared to Michigan's 96K. What a surprise. Our lakes are so big that it feels like the ocean and I'm even pretty sure I have seen a few picturesque towns. It seems it might be time to plan a weekend day trip!

    1. Wow, I didn't know those dimensions. It is kind of crazy to realize how small England is. There aren't any places that cannot be reached in a day of driving (usually just a few hours!) I hope you find a little beach town-- let me know!

  4. Gorgeous photos Ariana! Just beautiful. I especially loved the very first one. The color of the sand is richer and darker and warmer than what I am used to. And I love seeing the rocks and pebbles scattered across, it adds some interesting visual texture. And the picture of the bird - really spectacular. That is a great shot Ariana - everything about it. From how clearly you've captured your moving target to the lighting and the blue of the sky. And it looks like you really had a lovely day!

    I also love the coast - it has a bit of a siren affect on me. Growing up my grandparents had a home overlooking Puget Sound and I spent almost every weekend there as a child (my cousin who was the same age lived next door to them!) We'd go down to the beach all the time and the Sound was just kind of an ever present neighbor. So I do think that is part of the pull for me. It is kind of in my bones I guess :) I have a very nautical genealogy as well (lots of sea captains and sailors in our family tree) and sometimes I wonder if a little salt water runs through my family's veins. And I've always hated the thought of being truly landlocked - I like being connected to the water. I've always had this thought that when you are near water it connects you to the whole world. I like the idea that I could get in a boat right out here in Puget Sound and end up just about anywhere :)

    1. Marisa, thanks for all of your really nice comments about my photos! We did have a really beautiful day, and it is so nice to hear that it was apparent in the pictures. Photography is pretty awesome, I have to say! I sometimes just stop and think how incredible it is that I get to "keep" what I am seeing. And I feel kind of bad for the people who lived before cameras!

      I love the imagery of being connected to the whole world when you are near the water. That makes perfect sense to me. I always grew up near the ocean (Los Angeles and the Philippines) so for me, too, it feels "right." I feel more alive near the sea, and do hope that someday I can live on the coast again. And having family on the Puget Sound, and those visits sounds so wonderful!

  5. I live in Southwold and am glad you enjoyed your time in our town and hope you will return soon. All the best, Robert.

    1. Thank you, Robert! what a lovely town, you are luck to live there!

  6. Thanks for putting this post on the BritMums travel round-up linky. I've been to Southwold once before but really should go again, or at least get to the coast more often as I always feel so invigorated with all the good sea air! Hunstanton is probably nearest for me and they have beach huts too, though not quite as renowned (or expensive) as the Southwold ones.

    1. Hi Trish! I know that I have seen paintings and various pieces of artwork portraying the Southwold beach huts. We saw them in Walberswick, as well. We'll have to check out Hunstanton-- it's not too far from us, and I love discovering all the cute coastal towns in the area!

  7. Stunning photos! Hello, new follower here! I would love to have you link up with my Clever Chicks Blog Hop this week!

    I hope to see you there!
    The Chicken Chick


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